Title of work: Astaroth / 静寂に凍る光
Year of creation: Sep 2020
Dimensions: 41 x 57 cm (Height x Width)
Medium: Digital Media
Technique: Photo Collage
Year of creation: Sep 2020
Dimensions: 41 x 57 cm (Height x Width)
Medium: Digital Media
Technique: Photo Collage
When creating this piece, I witnessed the transformation of the city’s streets into quiet desolation due to the pandemic, with stores closing or becoming abandoned. Walking through the silently changing and decaying city, I conceived this artwork and remember crafting it diligently. One thing I can say is that the gaze of the character in this piece does not convey sadness or loneliness, but an eternal, unwavering strength.
Humans have a self-preservation instinct that causes us to resist change and perceive it as stress. However, I could only see these changes as positive signs, certain that the world was in the process of ascending to a higher dimension through its pain. In such times, there’s a natural desire to return to the former world, but I deeply value human adaptability and resilience. Even now, under challenging global circumstances, transitioning to a better world involves ascending gradually while repeating rises and falls. I hope we do not succumb to the forces pulling us backward but continue to step forward into the new world. This sentiment is embedded in this artwork. I believe in the strength of humanity and in the arrival of a peaceful, blessed future.
Source of photograph material