Bodhisattvas of the Earth / 地涌の手 by Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹
Title of work: Bodhisattvas of the Earth / 地湧の手
Year of creation: Mar 2020
Dimensions: 97 x 138 cm (Height x Width)
Medium: Digital Media
Technique: Photo Collage

As the world was plunged into the coronavirus pandemic, sorrowful thoughts and ideas permeated the city. Shrines were devoid of water ladles, and supermarket shelves were emptied. The world was on the brink of a new rebirth, and I found myself pondering the role that art could play in this changing landscape. As I absorbed the ideas surging from the earth, my mind became pure and innocent, allowing me to channel my thoughts into this artwork. In the end, the theme that remained was "supplication."



Source of photograph material

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