We are Rothschild Fine Art.
In a world where environmental sustainability, animal rights, and climate change have become urgent global issues demanding collective action, Rothschild Fine Art has emerged as a formidable artistic movement dedicated to addressing these challenges
My artwork has been featured on the Rothschild Fine Art website. This gallery places great emphasis on the intrinsic value of life and the importance of creativity, with a collective of international artists working together to amplify the voices of those who cannot speak for themselves around the globe.
In particular, the gallery is strongly committed to advocating for animal rights, donating 50% of its proceeds to charities dedicated to animal freedom. Ms. Lavinia de Rothschild, the gallery’s founder, has led efforts to combat racism and speciesism, standing firmly against all threats to freedom.
I am deeply honored that a gallery with such noble principles has accepted my work, and I offer my sincere gratitude. I believe that the only enduring values in this world are the spirit of fraternity and art. It is my lifelong mission to use art to help build a truly borderless global community and guide our planet toward a genuine awakening of civilization.
Although my individual power is limited, I firmly believe that by uniting our efforts worldwide, there is no limit to what we can achieve.
Rothschild Fine Art のウェブサイトに作品を掲載いただきました。こちらのギャラリーは、生命の本来的な価値と創造性の重要性を重んじており、国際的なアーティスト集団が力を合わせて、声なき者たちの声を世界に届けるために尽力しています。
特に動物の権利擁護に力を入れており、売上の50%を動物の自由を支援する慈善団体に寄付しています。当ギャラリーの創設者である Ms. Lavinia de Rothschild は、人種差別や種の差別に立ち向かい、自由への脅威に対抗する運動を推進して参りました。このような高潔な理念を持つギャラリーに作品を受け入れていただき、大変光栄に思います。心から感謝申し上げます。
Life has intrinsic value.
At Rothschild Fine Art, we believe that the essence of freedom is inextricably woven into the fabric of creativity. As an international ensemble of artists, we harness the power of our artistic expressions to amplify the voices of the voiceless—be they human, animal, disabled, or able-bodied individuals.
Rothchild Fine Artでは、自由の本質は創造性の織物に密接に織り込まれていると信じています。国際的なアーティストの集団として、私たちは芸術的表現の力を活用し、声なき者たちの声を増幅します—それが人間であれ、動物であれ、障害を持つ者であれ、健常者であれ。
Our Mission
Our mission transcends the bounds of traditional artistry; we envision ourselves as key catalysts in the animal rights movement.
We advocate fervently for the fundamental rights of all sentient beings—to exist with dignity, untouched by exploitation and abuse. In lieu of prioritizing gallery profits, our allegiance lies with sanctuaries that uphold the highest standards of animal rights. We pledge to direct 50% of all our sales towards the Animal Freedom Organization, thereby ensuring that our artistic endeavors yield tangible benefits in the battle for animal liberation.
We are more than artists;
We are advocates and defenders.
We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, facing the stark reality of rampant animal suffering—a global crisis that cannot be ignored. We stand resolute in our determination to be part of the solution. We believe that our art, combined with the power of the digital world, can serve as an engine of change, fostering a more empathetic and kinder world.
As the magnitude of animal abuse and exploitation is unveiled, an increasing number of people are stirred into action. We hold firm in our conviction that through collective action and unwavering commitment to justice, we can steer the course towards a better future for all.
Animals may be silenced, but through our creativity and passion, their voices will resonate.
Lavinia de Rothschild, founder of Rothschild Fine Art, has created more than a gallery; she has ignited a movement against the injustices of racism, speciesism, and threats to freedom. Her advocacy for animal rights and commitment to art have shaped the gallery’s focus on safeguarding wildlife and preserving nature. Rothschild Fine Art regularly collaborates with environmental organizations, reinforcing its dedication to the cause.
LR Rothschild Fine Art is a leading force, showcasing artists from across the globe while addressing critical issues of our time. The gallery's mission is to expose and combat wrongs inflicted on living creatures and the environment, with Lavinia emphasizing the urgency of protecting the voiceless.
Through art exhibitions and public events, the gallery raises awareness about the importance of biodiversity. As guardians of the earth, the gallery stands as a defender of life and the unassailable right to freedom.
Rothchild Fine Artの創設者、ラヴィニア・ド・ロスチャイルドは、ただのギャラリー以上のものを創り出しました。彼女は人種差別、種の差別、自由への脅威に対する運動を始めました。彼女の動物の権利擁護と芸術へのコミットメントが、野生生物の保護と自然の保存に焦点を当てたギャラリーの焦点を形成しています。Rothchild Fine Art は定期的に環境団体と協力し、その献身を強化しています。
LR Rothchild Fine Art は、世界中のアーティストを展示しながら、私たちの時代の重要な問題に取り組む先導的な力です。ギャラリーの使命は、生き物と環境に加えられる悪行を露わにし、撲滅することです。ラヴィニアは声なき者を守る緊急性を強調しています。

Together with artists and animal lovers from around the world, we remain dedicated to protecting animals globally. Our gallery is renowned for welcoming diverse communities to engage in critically reflective art and culture, fostering curiosity and transformation in the shared pursuit of a better world.
Featured Artworks

Dioscuri / ふたり, March 2020. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 61 x 61 cm.

Burial at Sea / 水葬, September 2020. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 71 x 115 cm.

Inside Of Me / ある情景, February 2020. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 61 x 61 cm.