International Contemporary Art exhibition
March, 28th - April, 3rd 2022
Milan, ITALY
International Contemporary Art exhibition
March, 28th - April, 3rd 2022
Milan, ITALY
I exhibited two of my artworks at the NFT - NEW FREEDOM THINK 2022 exhibition held in Milan, Italy from March 28 to April 3, organized by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY. Please visit M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY official website for more details. I pray for the coming of a world colored by dream-like science and technology, just like the fantasies of children in the past.
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERYさん主催、3月28日〜4月3日までイタリアのミラノで開催された NFT - NEW FREEDOM THINK 2022展にアート作品を2点出展いたしました。M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY 公式ウェブサイトより展示の詳細をご覧いただけます。かつての子供が描いた空想のように、夢のような科学と技術に彩られた世界の到来を祈念いたします。

This work was created with hope for a new coming age. The world is evolving at a tremendous pace, changing its face, and we can glimpse various aspects of the process and results. Anxiety, bewilderment, anticipation, and repose in the new era. All of these things are incorporated in the design of this plane.

The Japanese title of this work is "Peace," and as the title suggests, it was created with a wish for peace. All people are equal, and all beings have value. Regardless of country of birth, language, color, wealth or poverty, all life is precious and irreplaceable. Great scholars and sinners, good and bad, all are equally blessed by God and born. There is not a single life in this world that is lost in vain.

Introduction written by M. Matilde Della Pina:
Masaki Hirokawa is a Japanese artist whose wide range of activities includes graphic design, smartphone app development, interactive movie production and website development. At “NFT - New Freedom Think” Masaki presents two artworks.
“A Regenerated World" depicts a girl represented in pink, with glitter and rhinestones that makes her beautiful and bright. She is reproduced several times in three different positions that enhance her grace and elegance. This work was created with hope for a new coming age. The world is evolving at a tremendous pace, changing its face, and we can glimpse various aspects of the process and results. Anxiety, bewilderment, anticipation, and repose in the new era. All of these things are incorporated in the design of this plane”
The second work presented in the exhibition, "The Justice of Equality”, depicts a woman with a face painted in black and gold, which for this reason almost merges with the equally black background and some hands that surround her to enhance its beauty. The Japanese title of this work is ‘Peace’ and as the title suggests, it was created with a wish for peace. All people are equal, and all beings have value. Regardless of country of birth, language, color, wealth or poverty, all life is precious and irreplaceable. Great scholars and sinners, good and bad, all are equally blessed by God and born. There is not a single life in this world that is lost in vain.
グラフィックデザイン、スマートフォンアプリ開発、インタラクティブムービー制作、ウェブサイト制作など、幅広く活動する日本人アーティスト、廣川政樹。NFT - NEW FREEDOM THINK 2022展では 2つの作品を発表します。
「A Regenerated World」は、ピンクを基調とし、キラキラとしたラインストーンで美しく輝く少女が描かれています。彼女は三つのポジションで複数表現され、その優雅さと気品を秘めています。この作品は、新しい時代への希望を込めて制作されました。世界は凄まじいスピードでその様相を変えながら進化しており、その過程と結果には様々な側面が垣間見えます。不安、戸惑い、そして新しい時代への希望。それら全てがこの平面のデザインに盛り込まれています。
二番目の作品「The Justice of Equality」は、黒と金で描かれた顔を持つ女性が描かれており、周りの黒い背景や彼女を囲む複数の手と一体化し、その美しさを引き立てています。この作品の邦題は「平和」であり、そのタイトルが示すように、平和への願いを込めて制作されました。全ての人々は平等であり、全ての存在に価値があります。生まれた国や言語、肌の色、貧富の差に関係なく、全ての生命は尊くかけがえのないものです。偉大な学者も罪人も、善人も悪人も、皆等しく神から祝福され生まれて来たのです。この世界には、無駄に失われて良い命など一つもありません。

Concept ideato da Camilla Gilardi - Art Curator:
“Perché avremmo una mente se non per fare a modo nostro?” (Fëdor Dostoevskij)
Il mondo cambia ogni giorno, ogni ora: una costante rivoluzione modifica la vita dell’uomo, i suoi comportamenti, la visione nei confronti di ciò che lo circonda. Realtà e tecnologia si incontrano e si fondono creando nuovi universi da conoscere ed esplorare. Parole ed espressioni acquisiscono molti più significati rispetto a quanti gliene venissero attribuiti in passato. Comprare un’opera d’arte significa acquistare un quadro fisico? Non più. NFT è l’acronimo di “Non-fungible token” e si identifica con un oggetto virtuale originale ed inimitabile. Colui che compra un NFT, quindi, non diviene il proprietario di un’opera fisica, ma entra in possesso dei diritti collegati all’opera digitale che può essere trasferibile, ma non duplicata. Interessanti dibattiti si sono accesi sul tema dell’effettivo valore degli NFT: vale davvero la pena investire un’ingente quota di denaro per diventare possessori di un’opera “solo” digitale? Negli ultimi anni la tecnologia ha permesso la riproduzione di opere senza sosta, privandole di importanti valori come l’unicità. L’acquisto di NFT fa fronte a questo problema attribuendo al compratore una certificazione ufficiale, la quale attesta che l’opera è stata a lui trasferita dall’autore. Fino ad ora la vendita record di un NFT riguarda “Everydays: The First 5000 days”, collage composto da 5000 immagini realizzato dal celebre artista digitale americano Beeple. Non si possono non citare i CryptoPunks, ovvero le immagini pixellate rappresentanti volti di cui nel 2017 sono state create diecimila copie e che ora valgono una vera fortuna. La più rara categoria è quella dei “Covid Alien”: nove volti con la carnagione blu, gli unici avatar con la mascherina come simbolo di un momento storico complesso che ha coinvolto il mondo intero. Non solo opere d’arte, ma gli NFT entrano anche nella cultura cinematografica: Quentin Tarantino ha deciso di mettere all’asta la sceneggiatura originale comprensiva di contenuti inediti di Pulp Fiction, una chiara dimostrazione che questa nuova tendenza sta coinvolgendo diverse realtà. Giocando con lettere e associazioni di parole, NFT può trasformarsi nell’acronimo di new freedom think. Nessun confine che non si possa superare, nessuna porta che non si possa aprire: libertà di viaggiare con la propria mente verso nuovi orizzonti pronti ad accoglierci. Schemi prestabiliti, antiche convenzioni e preconcetti si annullano di fronte a un nuovo modo di pensare: mente proiettata verso la diversità, l’osservazione, ma non verso il giudizio. L’acronimo effettivo e l’acronimo da MADS proposto, quindi, presentano diversi punti in comune. NFT diviene sinonimo di contemporaneità e innovazione. L’arte si affaccia alla tecnologia: MADS, prima galleria multimediale con un allestimento permanente, digitale e unico ha compiuto questo passo già da molto tempo dimostrandosi fin dal suo principio un’istituzione all’avanguardia. In questa occasione MADS invita gli artisti a mettersi in gioco, a catapultarsi in un universo surreale ormai diventato realtà. “Senza deviazione dalla norma, il progresso non è possibile” recita la citazione del celebre e rivoluzionario compositore statunitense Frank Zappa. Guardare al passato senza dimenticare di volgere lo sguardo al futuro: apprezzare la normalità, ma ricordarsi che dare una svolta ad essa può significare progresso e arricchimento. Osserva la rivoluzione in corso e lasciati coinvolgere da essa: cambiamento significa nuovo inizio.
Concept by Camilla Gilardi - Art Curator:
“Why do we have a mind if not to get our way?” (Fëdor Dostoevskij)
The world changes every day, every hour: a constant revolution changes the life of man, his behaviour, the vision of what surrounds him. Reality and technology meet, and merge creating new universes to know and explore. Words and expressions acquire many more meanings than they were assigned in the past. Does buying a work of art mean buying a physical painting? Not anymore. NFT is the acronym for “Non-fungible token” and is identified with an original and inimitable virtual object. The person who buys an NFT, therefore, does not become the owner of a physical work, but comes into possession of the rights related to the digital work that can be transferable, but not duplicated. Interesting debates have arisen around the issue of the actual value of NFTs: is it worth investing a large share of money to become owners of “only" a digital work? In recent years, technology has allowed the reproduction of works without stopping, depriving them of important values such as uniqueness. The purchase of NFT faces this problem by giving the buyer an official certification, which certifies that the work has been transferred to him by the author. Until now, the record sale of an NFT is attributed to “Everydays: The First 5000 days”, a collage composed of 5000 images created by the famous American digital artist Beeple. We cannot forget to mention the CryptoPunks, the pixelated images representing faces of which ten thousand copies were created in 2017 and which are now worth a real fortune. The rarest category is "Covid Alien": nine faces with blue complexions, the only avatars with masks as a symbol of a complex historical moment that involved the whole world. Not only works of art, but NFTs also enter cinematic culture: Quentin Tarantino has decided to put the original screenplay including unpublished content from Pulp Fiction up for auction, a clear demonstration that this new trend is involving different realities. By playing with letters and word associations, NFT can become the acronym of new freedom think. No boundaries that cannot be crossed, no doors that cannot be opened: freedom to travel with one's mind towards new horizons ready to welcome us. Pre-established patterns, ancient conventions and preconceptions cancel out in the face of a new way of thinking: mind projected towards diversity, observation, but not towards judgment. The actual acronym and the acronym proposed by MADS, therefore, have several points in common. NFT becomes synonymous with contemporaneity and innovation. Art encounters technology: MADS, the first multimedia gallery with a permanent, digital, and unique display, has taken this step from a long time, proving itself to be an avant-garde institution from its origin. On this occasion MADS invites artists to bring themselves into play, to throw themselves into a surreal universe that has now become reality. "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible" reads the quote from the famous and revolutionary American composer Frank Zappa. Looking to the past without forgetting to look to the future: appreciating normality but remembering that turning it around can mean progress and enrichment. Observe the revolution in progress and get involved in it: change means new beginning.