International Contemporary Art exhibition
July, 28th - August, 3rd 2022
Milan, Italy
International Contemporary Art exhibition
July, 28th - August, 3rd 2022
Milan, Italy
Organized by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY
Curated by M. Matilde Della Pina
Curated by M. Matilde Della Pina
My works of art were featured at ORIZZONTI TRASVERSALI 2022, held in Milan, Italy by M.A.D.S. ART GALLERY. I am proud and deeply grateful that I was able to take part in this wonderful exhibition all the way from Japan.
M.A.D.S. ART GALLERYさん主催、イタリアのミラノで開催された ORIZZONTI TRASVERSALI 2022展に作品を出展いたしました。日本からこの素晴らしい展示会に参加させていただいたことを誇りに思い、心より感謝申し上げます。

Glance / 視線
Aug 2020 / 90 x 145 cm (Height x Width)
Aug 2020 / 90 x 145 cm (Height x Width)
This artwork was created in an attempt to embody the depths of the human psyche in society. Every person has a soul in their eyes, the ability to perceive and see past and present lives of all people, including themselves. All things are not "known" but “remembered”.
There are forward and reverse relationships in human encounters, and even if the target person has a good relationship in this life, it may be good or bad depending on the timing of the encounter. Even seemingly good friends are always playing games to adjust their destiny in the unconscious world, and their relationship changes with time and circumstance so that their souls will be on a path that is more conducive to learning.
The many eyes in this artwork can be frightening, or they can be compassionate. Whatever the impression, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and they are here now because of God's love and design, all for the greater purpose of the soul's growth.

Gnosticism / 知恵の実
Aug 2020 / 61 x 39 cm (Height x Width)
Aug 2020 / 61 x 39 cm (Height x Width)
What does wisdom mean to humanity? What has wisdom brought to humanity? Can greedily developing civilization really be called evolution for humanity? Despite these questions, it is our fierce desire to leave traces of our existence on this planet.

Introduction written by M. Matilde Della Pina:
Masaki Hirokawa is a renowned Japanese artist whose wide range of activities includes digital artworks, graphic design, smartphone app development, interactive movie production and website development. At “Orizzonti Trasversali” exhibition hosted by M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Masaki presents two of his beautiful and deep artworks.
"Glance" portrays a girl, reproduced three times, covered by a black polka dot veil that hides, but also reveals, the beauty and elegance of her features. The dark veil in fact enhances the woman's light eyes by creating a chromatic contrast and enhancing the depth of the whole, deeply capturing the observer. As the artist says, this artwork was created in an attempt to embody the depths of the human psyche in society: every person has a soul in their eyes, the ability to perceive and see past and present lives of all people, including themselves. All things are not "known" but “remembered”. There are forward and reverse relationships in human encounters, and even if the target person has a good relationship in this life, it may be good or bad depending on the timing of the encounter. Even seemingly good friends are always playing games to adjust their destiny in the unconscious world, and their relationship changes with time and circumstance so that their souls will be on a path that is more conducive to learning. The many eyes in this artwork can be frightening, or they can be compassionate. Whatever the impression, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and they are here now because of God's love and design, all for the greater purpose of the soul's growth.”
“Gnosticism”, the second work exhibited, is instead complex and we could even say provocative. The subject of the work is in fact a rather young nun completely surrounded by hands sprinkled with pink glitter holding equally pink apples. Referring to the story of original sin and divine temptation towards Adam and Eve by means of an apple, the representation of the young nun appears then in another light: tempted by sparkling and palatable apples, she looks us straight in the eye, petrified and scared. "What will its end be?" we wonder. Again, the great artist well known to M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, creates a deep and complex work: as he claims in fact, what does wisdom mean to humanity? What has wisdom brought to humanity? Can greedily developing civilization really be called evolution for humanity? Despite these questions, it is our fierce desire to leave traces of our existence on this planet.
Introduction written by M. Matilde Della Pina (Japanese translation):
デジタルアート作品、グラフィックデザイン、スマートフォンアプリ開発、インタラクティブムービー制作、ウェブサイト制作など、幅広い活動を展開する日本人アーティスト、廣川政樹。M.A.D.S. Art Galleryが主催する ORIZZONTI TRASVERSALI 2022展では、美しく深みのある作品をニ点出展します。
ニ番目の展示作品である「Gnosticism」は、代わりに複雑で、挑発的とさえ言えるものです。この作品の主体は、ピンクの装飾が散りばめられた手で囲まれ、同じくピンクの林檎を持っている、やや若い修道女です。原罪と、アダムとイヴに対する林檎による蛇の誘惑の物語を参照しながら、この若い修道女の表現は、別の角度から見ることができます。キラキラと輝く林檎に誘惑され、彼女は茫然と怯えながら私達の目を真っ直ぐ見ています。『その結末はどうなるのだろう?』M.A.D.S. Art Galleryでお馴染みのこの偉大な芸術家は、ここでもまた、深く複雑な作品を創り上げています。知恵は人類に何を齎したのか。貪欲に文明を発展させることが、果たして人類にとっての進化と謂えるのか。このような疑問を抱きながらも、この地球上に存在の痕跡を残すことが、私達の熾烈な願望なのです。

Concept by Art Curator Giorgia Massari:
"Orizzonti Trasversali" - which literally means "Transverse Horizons" - is the title of the summer exhibition organized by M.A.D.S. Art Gallery. The aim of the exhibition is to involve artists in exploring the different facets of things, of people and in particular of reality. This is possible only by constantly changing one’s perspective and opening oneself to new horizons.
Everything existing in nature does not possess a single dimension, it does not possess a single meaning or a single objective truth. An object seen from different angles changes shape as it changes our perception. The attention then moves from the subject in question to the observing subject and its location around it.
The emblematic example is offered by the Cubist artists with their works, in particular those of Pablo Picasso. Visually, the challenge of Cubism was to bring the three-dimensional vision of the human eye back to a two-dimensional medium like the canvas. It was a disruptive movement because it overturned the idea that art should faithfully reproduce nature and put the artist’s perception of reality first.
The subject of perception is also widely discussed by Philosophy, George Berkeley, for example, regarding the reality argues that "we can say that it is perceived but not that it exists in itself" while Thomas Reid refutes this argument by distinguishing perception from sensation.
What is certain is that every human being makes different experiences in similar situations and this is due to the different perception that every person has of reality, which is filtered by individual psychic processes and by the physical condition of the subject.
M.A.D.S. therefore invites artists to explore the world from different angles and to create works that are the product of this process of filtration of reality, born as a result of an individual reworking of objects, situations and people, creating a place where individuality is celebrated, welcoming every point of view.
Because the "true" reality is nothing more than the set of all our perceptions.