365 Art+ Case 66. People Creating 21st Century-4. Lavinia de Rothschild
Published by: 365 Art+ Business Magazine
Published by: 365 Art+ Business Magazine
I am honored to announce that my work has been featured in the special issue of the global art magazine "365 Art+ Business Magazine - Case 66: People Creating the 21st Century - Lavinia de Rothschild, Fine Art Edition." I am deeply grateful for this valuable opportunity.
This special issue celebrates the artistic legacy of the Rothschild family and honors the esteemed artist, artisan, and art collector, Ms. Lavinia de Rothschild.
Ms. Lavinia de Rothschild is an artist and art collector whose influence transcends traditional boundaries of artistic expression. She leads an influential animal freedom organization and runs a renowned art gallery, making her a key figure at the intersection of art and environmental activism.
Additionally, this issue showcases many artists from around the world who are seriously dedicated to expressing themselves professionally in the world of art. I am truly delighted that my work has been featured in this special issue.
この度、グローバルアートマガジン特別号「365 Art+ Business Magazine - Case 66: 21世紀を創造する人々 - ラヴィニア・デ・ロスチャイルド、ファインアート特集」に作品が掲載されることとなりました。貴重な機会を賜り、深く感謝申し上げます。

The World in a Birdcage / 啓示, August 2020. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 60 x 84 cm.
This piece features a white dove as a symbol of divine revelation from a higher realm. It suggests that everyone is born with a unique purpose and a significant role on this earth. Realizing and fulfilling this purpose can offer immense joy and satisfaction. Even in despair, there's inherent value, as God's love, along with the promise of salvation and guidance, is always present for everyone.
This piece features a white dove as a symbol of divine revelation from a higher realm. It suggests that everyone is born with a unique purpose and a significant role on this earth. Realizing and fulfilling this purpose can offer immense joy and satisfaction. Even in despair, there's inherent value, as God's love, along with the promise of salvation and guidance, is always present for everyone.

Causal Sets / 葬列, April 2023. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 33 x 50 cm.
This artwork draws on Eastern mysticism and the theory of causal sets, exploring the simultaneous nature of causes and effects across time. It emphasizes that every individual, existing within interconnected realities, plays a vital role in shaping the world. The piece reflects on the ephemerality of life, likening our existence to a continuous procession through a sea of stars, and underscores the importance of cherishing every moment and connection.
This artwork draws on Eastern mysticism and the theory of causal sets, exploring the simultaneous nature of causes and effects across time. It emphasizes that every individual, existing within interconnected realities, plays a vital role in shaping the world. The piece reflects on the ephemerality of life, likening our existence to a continuous procession through a sea of stars, and underscores the importance of cherishing every moment and connection.