365 Art+ 6 Stars AWARDS
Presented by 365 Art+ Magazine
Presented by 365 Art+ Magazine

The artwork received the "BEST COVER ARTIST AWARD" at the 365 Art+ 6 Stars AWARDS hosted by 365 Art+ Magazine. It will be posted on Vol. 17 of the 365 Art+ Magazine, 365 Art+ Magazine Case 17. AWARDS. I truly appreciate this great honor.
毎日アートマガジンさん主催、365 Art+ 6 Stars AWARDSにて「BEST COVER ARTIST AWARD」を受賞いたしました。雑誌 365 Art+ Magazine 第17号「365 Art+ Magazine Case 17. AWARDS」に掲載いただきます。とても光栄な機会をいただき、心より感謝いたします。

Faith / 盲信
Nov 2019 / 44 x 44 cm (Height x Width)
Nov 2019 / 44 x 44 cm (Height x Width)
As the saying goes, "Until you are seven years old, you are God's" and God was the one I talked to in my childhood. I am ashamed to say that it is no different when I grew up. God is love that encompasses all things, good, evil, beautiful, and ugly. Love is energy. Energy is quantifiable. Numbers are art in their precision. In other words, God is everywhere as a material being. To live in this material world, we must keep the game of convenience reality, keeping the whereabouts of the soul in the dark. But God is within everyone, and everyone is equally God's eyes and ears. We are all separate from God. There is no higher or lower, no superior or inferior, each is one and worthy. No matter how distorted the reality around us may seem or how lonely and painful the present may be, we were all born blessed.