I am honored to announce that I have been awarded the "Harmony for Humanity: The Global Consciousness Art Prize." I am deeply grateful for receiving such a prestigious recognition. This prize is founded on the principle of recognizing artists who promote global consciousness shifts through their art. It is my sincere hope that exceptional works from around the world can bridge diverse people, fostering harmony and empathy. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for this incredible opportunity.
国際芸術賞「Harmony for Humanity: The Global Consciousness Art Prize」を受賞いたしました。このような名誉ある賞をいただき、深く感謝しております。この賞は、アートを通じて全世界の意識の変化を促進するアーティストを評価することを理念に掲げています。世界中の素晴らしい作品があらゆる人々を結びつけ、調和や共感を生み出すきっかけとなることを切に願っております。このような素晴らしい機会を頂戴しましたこと、心より感謝申し上げます。

Reclining Buddha, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 81 x 64 cm

Archetypus, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 120 x 96 cm

Uriel, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 88 x 60 cm

Forgotten Sky, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 50 x 50 cm

The World in a Birdcage, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 60 x 84 cm

A Regenerated World, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 61 x 100 cm

Bodhisattvas of the Earth, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 64 x 90 cm

Distance, 2020. Digital media and photo collage, 55 x 76 cm

Causal Sets, 2023. Digital media and photo collage, 33 x 50 cm

Masaki Hirokawa
Website: https://dolice.design
Country: Japan
Website: https://dolice.design
Country: Japan
Masaki Hirokawa’s professional endeavors encompass a wide range of activities, including graphic design, smartphone app development, interactive movie production, and website development. He also contributes technical articles on graphic design to relevant magazines and reference books. Born in Toyama, Japan in 1981, he embarked on his journey in web design and programming through self-study at the tender age of 16 in 1997. In 1999, he moved to Tokyo to work as a web designer/DTP operator. At the age of 21 in 2002, he became involved in the development of mission-critical systems as a system engineer and programmer. He transitioned to freelance work in 2005, undertaking projects involving web design, programming, graphic design, and the production of interactive movies. He received recognition for his work in 2006 when he won the Grand Prize for the MTV SO-ZO Competition “Web Screensaver Category”. He began authoring multiple reference books and submitting work to graphic design magazines in 2008. In 2011, he contributed to the development of several video games as a technical artist. He became independent and started a smartphone app business in 2013, developing an app that has been downloaded over 20 million times and currently has over 3 million active users worldwide. In 2019, he returned to graphic design and began participating in exhibitions in Italy, Spain, the UK, Greece, among other countries. He was awarded “ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2021” by ITSLIQUID Group in 2022. He continues to create graphic designs while managing his smartphone apps.