Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹 - International Prize Phoenix for the Arts
International Prize Phoenix for the Arts
Presented by: Fondazione Effetto Arte

I am deeply honored to have been awarded the "Phoenix for the Arts" by Fondazione Effetto Arte. This prestigious award is bestowed upon artists whose work significantly contributes to the artistic landscape, and it was presented during a ceremony held on June 12, 2024, at the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro in Venice.
The award ceremony was attended by collectors of contemporary art, journalists, politicians, and art enthusiasts, all of whom witnessed the presentation of this accolade. I am profoundly grateful for this esteemed recognition and would like to express my sincerest thanks for this exceptional opportunity.

国際芸術賞「Phoenix for the Arts」を Fondazione Effetto Arte より授与されたことを、心から光栄に思います。この名誉ある賞は、芸術界への顕著な貢献をしたアーティストに贈られます。授賞式は 2024年6月12日にヴェネツィアの Scuola Grande di San Teodoro にて行われました。
The World in a Birdcage / 啓示 - Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹
The World in a Birdcage / 啓示, August 2020. Digital Media and Photo Collage, 60 x 84 cm.

In this artwork, the white dove symbolizes a divine revelation from a higher dimension. Each person is born onto this earth with a unique purpose and an important role to play. Discovering and fulfilling that purpose can bring great joy and fulfillment in life. Even in times of despair, hopelessness can hold its own meaning, as there is always God's love and the promise of salvation and guidance for all.

The Arabian Phoenix is described as a bird with shining plumage, with bright colors ranging from gold to red, reminiscent of those of the Sun. According to legend, this creature is reborn from its ashes after death and for this very reason, it symbolizes also the power of resilience, or the ability to cope positively with adversity, cultivating the resources found within us.
For the ancient Egyptians, the Phoenix was depicted with the Atef crown or with the emblem of the solar disk, it was therefore not similar to a tropical bird, but rather to a sparrow or a heron that did not rise from the flames (as happens in the myth Greek), but from the waters.
Among the Greeks, the Phoenix was a sort of golden eagle with splendid colors such as gold, blue, red and purple, to name a few. Long feathers slid from the head and the tail was made up of three long feathers, one pink, one red and one blue.
But what is most interesting is the symbolism that the Phoenix represents, that is, death and resurrection which in everyday life can be associated in a broad sense with resilience.
In its dying and rebirth, it represents continuity, the ability to overcome adversity and emerge stronger from it. Her image was evoked to represent the resilience of the human soul, the ability to start again with renewed strength and hope, even after heavy tragedies.
Resilience is, in fact, the ability to not let yourself be knocked down by life's difficulties, to react and get back up stronger than before. We can learn to adapt to wind and storms like trees do, that is, by developing strong roots and flexible branches, so we can keep ourselves anchored to the ground, but at the same time learn to adapt to changes. According to one version of the myth, the Arabian Phoenix after having lived for 500 years, before dying she built a nest on the top of an oak or a palm tree, piled up balsamic plants and lay down in the sun, letting the latter burn her.
From the pile of ash a small larva then emerged which the sun's rays made to grow rapidly until it was transformed into the new Phoenix which within three days flew to Heliopolis and landed on the sacred tree.
The Phoenix has always been a symbol of strength, it is even said that her tears were healing and that she had great physical resistance. Then managing to control the fire, it becomes almost indestructible.
Many argue that everything has already been said in Art. We don't believe this is true. Art will rise from its ashes thanks to Contemporary Artists who still have so much to say and demonstrate.


The curators of the Award are Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo

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