東京都の恵比寿にある artbook事務局のギャラリーさんにて、二月中に開催いただいた展示会がおかげさまで無事に閉幕しました。美しい空間に作品を飾っていただけて、とても有り難く思います。このギャラリーさんで展示の機会を得られて良かったと心から思いました。

静謐な世界 / Uriel
May 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
May 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
This artwork was produced as a prayer for the hope that a world of tranquility and peace could come to the people of the world. As this world, in an attempt to be reborn, changed shape in massive ways, it generated fearsome, heaving waves in which various cultures, commerce, systems of distribution, and many countless, irreplaceable lives were lost. The feelings that can be experienced from this artwork are sorrow, supplication, a spirit of compassion, and finally, hope.

忘却の眺め / Forgotten Sky
Aug 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
Aug 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
Children today have no choice but to try to read the emotions of others through the cover of a mask. Their attempts to communicate are based on what they sense in the other person's eyes, or what feelings emanate and transmit from the other person's entire being. This artwork was created in the hope that soon we can see the smiling faces of children under bright blue skies, while knowing full well that those blue skies are probably already a distant memory.

救世菩薩 / Kuan Yin Bodhisattva
Dec 2020 / 29.7 x 42 cm (Height x Width)
Dec 2020 / 29.7 x 42 cm (Height x Width)
This artwork was created as a prayer to the Buddhist Kannon Bodhisattva (Bosatsu) for peace to come to the hearts of humankind. Buddhism exists in a realm which transcends philosophy and science, and the gods and Buddha exist beyond time and space. Rather than describe this artwork as being imbued with a prayer, I say that I created it from a single, pure wish, a prayer that the Bodhisattva could manifest within this world.

元型 / Archetypus
Jul 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
Jul 2020 / 42 x 29.7 cm (Height x Width)
The work replicates a woman wearing a bird mask to convey the theme, "repetition and a return to archetypes," capturing the essence of humans living in society. Humans form orderly societies, as controlling chaos using law and order is a prerequisite for human civilization. The work depicts how the coexistence of chaos and order creates repetitions like those found in opposing mirrors. The mask represents a sociable personality and shows how human coexistence results in endless repetitions like those found in opposing mirrors.

地湧の手 / Bodhisattvas of the Earth
Mar 2020 / 29.7 x 42 cm (Height x Width)
Mar 2020 / 29.7 x 42 cm (Height x Width)
When the world was plunged into the coronavirus pandemic, all kinds of sorrowful thoughts and ideas came rushing in from throughout the city. Water ladles disappeared from shrines, and supermarket shelves were emptied. The world was about to be newly reborn. I kept pondering about the role that art could play in such a world. And then, as if all of the ideas I had received from the massive swells of the earth had filtered through me, my mind became pure and innocent, and I was able to continuously project those thoughts into this artwork. And finally, the one thing that remained, was "supplication."

Image courtesy of artbook secretariat gallery

Image courtesy of artbook secretariat gallery