My works of art were featured in the 36th issue of the global art magazine 365 Art+ Magazine. Nightingale was featured on the inside cover of 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS. This magazine, which features wonderful art from all over the world without discrimination, embodies the perfectly natural concept that there are no national boundaries in art with an impressive aesthetic sense. While it is true that there are various ethical viewpoints based on senses of value and history in the world, I believe that the spirit of appreciating beauty is common to the whole world. I am deeply grateful that my cherished works of art were featured in this magazine that is driven by a noble spirit.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第36号 365 Art+ Case 36. TOYS の本扉にグラフィック「Nightingale / 戦場に咲く花」を掲載いただきました。本誌には世界中の素晴らしいアートが分け隔てなく掲載されており、アートに国境は存在しないという至極当然のことを、圧倒的な美意識をもって体現されています。世界には多様な価値観と歴史によって養われた倫理観が存在することは確かですが、美を感じる精神は万国共通のもののように思います。崇高な精神により運営される本誌に大切な作品を掲載いただき、心より感謝申し上げます。

My works of art were featured in the 36th issue of the global art magazine 365 Art+ Magazine. DOMINUS DIXIT AD ME was featured on the inside cover of 365 Art+ Case 36. DOLLS. I truly appreciate how the very beautiful magazine page posted my precious work.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第36号 365 Art+ Case 36. DOLLS の本扉にグラフィック「DOMINUS DIXIT AD ME / 寵愛」を掲載いただきました。美しい誌面に大切な作品を掲載いただき、心より感謝申し上げます。

On the imprint of Global Art Magazine 365 Art+ Magazine Issue No. 28 “365 Art+ Case 28. DEBBIE WINGHAM’S DIAMOND QUEENDOM,” the graphic Avatar was posted while Astaroth was posted on page 89. This magazine contains all kinds of art from around the world beautifully printed. Each magazine feels like a collection of artworks that should be permanently preserved, and I am deeply impressed by the spirit of respecting high aspirations while pursuing beauty. Thank you very much for posting both of my works on such a special issue.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第28号「365 Art+ Case 28. DEBBIE WINGHAM’S DIAMOND QUEENDOM」の奥付にグラフィック「Avatar / 化身」、89ページ目に「Astaroth / 静寂に凍る光」を掲載いただきました。このマガジンには世界中のあらゆるアートが美しくプリントされており、一冊一冊が永久保存版の作品集のようで、美を追究しながら高い志を尊重する精神に深く感銘を受けます。特別な号に私の両作を掲載いただき、誠にありがとうございます。

On the imprint of Global Art Magazine 365 Art+ Magazine Issue No. 27 “365 Art+ Case 27. KOSHINO MICHIKO,” the graphic Hesychasm was posted while Midori was posted on page 34. I truly appreciate how the very beautiful magazine page posted my precious work.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第27号「365 Art+ Case 27. KOSHINO MICHIKO」の奥付にグラフィック「Hesychasm / ヘシュカスムにおける神化の思想」、34ページ目に「Midori」を掲載いただきました。大切な作品をとても美しい誌面に掲載いただき、心より感謝いたします。

On the opening page of Global Art Magazine 365 Art+ Magazine Issue No. 21 “365 Art+ Case21. CENTURY,” the graphic Hanyō was posted. Thank you so much for adding a beautifully written caption accompanying the graphic.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第21号「365 Art+ Case21. CENTURY」の本扉にグラフィック「Hanyō / 半妖」を掲載いただきました。グラフィックに添えたキャプションも美しく文字組みいただいて、本当にありがとうございます。

I am pleased to announce that my graphics "Quiet" featured in the 23th issue of 365 Art+ Magazine, "365 Art+ Case 23. LEGENDS/MYTHS". Mr. David Bowie is on the cover. Thank you very much for the beautiful magazine.
グローバルアートマガジン 365 Art+ Magazine 第23号「365 Art+ Case 23. LEGENDS/MYTHS」の本扉にグラフィック「Quiet / 静粛」を掲載いただきました。デヴィッド・ボウイ氏が片方の表紙を飾られています。とても美しい誌面に掲載いただき、心より感謝いたします。

I am pleased to announce that my graphics "Imaginary Dream" and "Crow" were featured in the 18th issue of 365 Art+ Magazine, "365 Art+ Case 18". Thank you very much for the beautiful magazine.
雑誌 365 Art+ Magazine 第18号「365 Art+ Case 18」にグラフィック「Imaginary Dream / 虚数の夢」と「Crow / 烏」の 2作品を掲載いただきました。とても美しい誌面に掲載いただき、心より感謝いたします。

My graphic artwork titled "The Justice of Equality" was featured in the copyright page of "365 Art+ Case 19. DEBBIE WINGHAM", which is the 19th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.
雑誌 365 Art+ Magazine 第19号「365 Art+ Case 19. DEBBIE WINGHAM」にグラフィック「The Justice of Equality / 平和」を掲載いただきました(奥付 / 見開き)。

My graphic artwork titled "Dioscuri" was featured in the inside front cover of "365 Art+ Case 13. Friday", which is the 13th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Avalokiteshvara" was featured in the inside front cover of "365 Art+ Case 12. Cosmos", which is the 12th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Midori" was featured in the inside front cover of "365 Art+ Case 10. Christmas", which is the 10th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Faith" was featured in the cover of "365 Art+ Case 9. Faith", which is the 9th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Crimson" was featured in the inside front cover of "365 Art+ Case 7. Perfection", which is the 7th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Aurora" was featured in the copyright page of "365 Art+ Case 6. DREAM", which is the 6th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.

My graphic artwork titled "Reclining Buddha" was featured in the back cover and copyright page of "365 Art+ Case 5. Monotone Planet", which is the 5th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.
雑誌 365 Art+ Magazine 第5号「365 Art+ Case 5. Monotone Planet」にグラフィック「Reclining Buddha / 涅槃像」を掲載いただきました(裏表紙 / 奥付)。

My graphic artwork and interview article were featured in pages 30 to 33 and the back cover of "365 Art+ Case 4. Inspiration", which is the 4th issue of the magazine 365 Art+ Magazine.
雑誌 365 Art+ Magazine 第4号「365 Art+ Case 4. Inspiration」にグラフィックとインタビュー記事を掲載いただきました(P 30〜P 33 / 裏表紙)。